Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pornography, Body Odor, and Being Checked Out

I said I would stick to themes.
So, in the interest of sticking to said themes, I have chosen three. =]
Loophole? P'raps.  But while I'm a FANTASTIC ranter/rambler (there goes my giant ego again. :p) I prefer to jump around a bit.

Okay, so, first subject. Pornography.
I started thinking about it today when we had a discussion about feminism and pornography in my 'Women in Soc' class.
There are compelling arguments FOR pornography, and AGAINST pornography.  The logical side of me can't choose which side I'm on. The emotional, neurotic part of me just screams "I hate pornnnn!!" retpeatedly while I try to think logically. However, let's examine this topic a bit.
      -FOR pornography

  •  says that it empowers women, allows them to make money in an industry they may be interested in.
  • shows freedom of women, who can now flaunt their bodies in ways that society never allowed before
  • 'censoring' or making pornography illegal takes away 1st amendment and sets women's rights back again.
  • Allows women, and couples to learn sexual things they previously didn't know.
  • Is a sexual outlet for people who don't have a partner, don't want a partner etc.
  • Allows accommodation of 'darker fantasies'
   -AGAINST pornography
  • Causes objectification of women
  • Causes violence towards women as a result of objectification
  • Some women in the sex industry are there due to manipulation or drug control
  • Disrespectful of women
  • Focuses on the pleasing of MEN, not women
  • Focuses only sexuality of women, not other attributes.
  • Erotica (sexually pleasing literature, film etc that respects all people and animals involved) is ok, however Pornography (depicting the degredation, humiliation, abuse,disrespect etc of people, animals, genitalia etc) is NOT ok.
  • Builds "sexual tolerance" in people who watch it too much, forcing them to pursue more and more extreme forms in order to fulfill sexual appetite.
   -MY views
  • I really have no idea.  I can see both sides.  I believe that by McKinnon's definition of  "pornography" (featured in the 'against' section) is terrible, and SHOULD be censored.
    • as a person who has been through a relationship in which I was abused, I can safely say that I hate pornography, and I do believe that it had some part in my abuse.  The person who abused me read it, watched it, 'participated' in it constantly, even in front of me. I would even venture to say that it was an addiction, and he took out the side-effects on me.
    • My emotional side, hates it, and can't approve, no matter what the logic behind it is.  This is probably for the aforementioned reason, as well as that I come from a religious family, and am uncomfortable with complete nakedness, my own, and that of others. I'm highly private, especially sexually, I don't like PDA (my own or others') and something about seeing other people in such an intimate, physical situation makes me twitch, and not in a good way.  (If you want to see how red and fidgity a person can get, put a nudy mag in front of me.)  I mean, I freaked out when my computer got a virus that popped up about 80 windows of porn on my computer!  I yelled loudly, slammed the laptop shut, and handed it to my boyfriend, telling him to fix it.
    • I supposed my emotional hatred also stems from the insecurity that stemmed from my teenage years, and from my abusive relationship. At least if we're being completely honest.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I've grown up, I know many many people, not only men look at porn in some form.  But that doesn't mean that I like it, I just know I can't change it.  My logic is mixed between "I hate it b/c it makes me feel like I"m not good enough to get you going" and "I guess it's ok b/c at least you're not out somewhere cheating on me."
      • In conclusion- I'm basically stuck.  
Okay okay, enough about naked people. 
Now that I'm thinking of it, forget BO and Being checked out. I'll cover those oh-so-important topics later. 
Yay me, sticking to one theme!  

NEXT TIME- check in for 'Body Odor, really?' on 'Ramblings of a Real Girl!'

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